If WROL is here when do I get to shoot some liberals?!
WROL will never happen.Soon Pod, soon.
By the way WROL for the acronym lacking is, Without Rule of Law.
It is nearly upon us, most cannot see it though.
Buy food, buy water. Buy lots of it. Just got back from BJ's with an entire truck load of needed supplies.
WROL will never happen.
Illegitimate ROL on the other hand is nearly upon us.
There will *always* be someone who claims to be "the law". If it's not you, make sure it's someone you can live with.
Thats pretty good stuff , they also have turkey and chicken, but remember don't let it freeze! the can will swell and break it's seal.What do some folks say? Oh yeah, winter is coming. It’s back in stock, better grab it while you can. Great value. I ordered yesterday and received today. Best by Sept, 2025.
Robot or human?
They don't seem to have any of that at my local Walmart. I'll just have to order some, see if I like it.Thats pretty good stuff , they also have turkey and chicken, but remember don't let it freeze! the can will swell and break it's seal.
Thats pretty good stuff , they also have turkey and chicken, but remember don't let it freeze! the can will swell and break it's seal.
They don't seem to have any of that at my local Walmart. I'll just have to order some, see if I like it.
I also would like to try some of that famous Cougar Gold canned cheese too. Very limited availability though.
That assumes what was uncontaminated before hand stays that way.Also as I was reading through this thread again and there is a lot of discussion 9f filtering, boiling and even distilling water.
Wouldn't it be a better use of time to try and identify sources of uncontaminated water ahead of time? Then just the basic water prep would be fine.
Cases of 12 - 28 ounce cans currently in stock with free shipping.
Keystone Beef Chunks
Use premium Keystone beef chunks in your favorite BBQ recipes, soups, casseroles and more! Keystone meat is fully cooked, has no water added and contains only meat and salt!pleasanthillgrain.com
Have you ever tried pressure canning meat at home? My wife and I have done venison, chicken and beef. The best is "wet" packed and done in BBQ sauce or broth mmmmm GOOD! Last year we canned a whole deer and tried some dry packed, that way isn't as good but has no liquid in it at all so jars can be left at the cabin over the winter without them freezing bursting. Look on line or get the" Ball Blue book of canning". Look and think it over, now is NOT the time to buy canning jars, the prices are up like ammo!I reached out to the company. Their web site is out of stock, but their in person store has a very nice selection. The store is opening on Nov. 10th. I am taking a road trip. I will pick up four cases of each meat.
Have you ever tried pressure canning meat at home? My wife and I have done venison, chicken and beef. The best is "wet" packed and done in BBQ sauce or broth mmmmm GOOD! Last year we canned a whole deer and tried some dry packed, that way isn't as good but has no liquid in it at all so jars can be left at the cabin over the winter without them freezing bursting. Look on line or get the" Ball Blue book of canning". Look and think it over, now is NOT the time to buy canning jars, the prices are up like ammo!
Have you ever tried pressure canning meat at home? My wife and I have done venison, chicken and beef. The best is "wet" packed and done in BBQ sauce or broth mmmmm GOOD! Last year we canned a whole deer and tried some dry packed, that way isn't as good but has no liquid in it at all so jars can be left at the cabin over the winter without them freezing bursting. Look on line or get the" Ball Blue book of canning". Look and think it over, now is NOT the time to buy canning jars, the prices are up like ammo!
Your well on your way. I think this spring/summer we will start seeing people selling off the supplies that they bought for Covid/Trump crisis. I can foresee good deals on canners and jars. My daughter told me about some friends of hers that bought a bunch of canning supplies because someone told them it was the thing to do. No garden, no where to plant a garden, they don't know how to cook let alone can but they have them! Ammo and guns will be sold off tooI have a shit ton of canning jars. Estate sales, great place to buy. I have the blue book. Awesome book.
Which is the offensive ingredient? The beef or the sea salt?That shit is kryptonite to Italians.