But if they do happen, we have a very strong national interest in which China and which Korea end up being the one China or Korea.
Our "national interest" is to rule the world. Good luck making the world comply.
But if they do happen, we have a very strong national interest in which China and which Korea end up being the one China or Korea.
We kind of do.Our "national interest" is to rule the world. Good luck making the world comply.
Because we have globalist shitweasels in the uppermost reaches of our government who are actively working against the interests of their constituents.Our koolaid is no longer selling around the world.
A large part of our "kool-aid" was using our navy to guarantee freedom of navigation across all major sea lanes. For 75 years ships from all nations have been able to cross the oceans without need of a naval escort. As we withdraw from the world we are going to take our navy and it's protection of the sea lanes. Any nation whose economic well being is dependent on trade (cough, china, cough) is going to realize all their ships are now vulnerable. Guess which nation has practically no ability to safeguard their ships beyond 1,000 miles from the home country?Our koolaid is no longer selling around the world.
Because we have globalist shitweasels in the uppermost reaches of our government who are actively working against the interests of their constituents.
A large part of our "kool-aid" was using our navy to guarantee freedom of navigation across all major sea lanes. For 75 years ships from all nations have been able to cross the oceans without need of a naval escort. As we withdraw from the world we are going to take our navy and it's protection of the sea lanes. Any nation whose economic well being is dependent on trade (cough, china, cough) is going to realize all their ships are now vulnerable. Guess which nation has practically no ability to safeguard their ships beyond 1,000 miles from the home country?
Better our rule than the Chinese. There will always be a big kid on the Block, and I'd rather be the big kid then have to live by the other big kids rules.We will demonize any country that doesn't recognize our rule over the world.
Because the multi-billionaires that are pulling the strings behind all of these radical leftists believe it is in their financial interest to have one world government. That will only increase their power, money, and influence.Our koolaid is no longer selling around the world.
Better our rule than the Chinese. There will always be a big kid on the Block, and I'd rather be the big kid then have to live by the other big kids rules.
Because the multi-billionaires that are pulling the strings behind all of these radical leftists believe it is in their financial interest to have one world government. That will only increase their power, money, and influence.
The Mongolians and vietnamese would take issue with your use of the phrase 'modest record.'I am searching for an example of Chinese invasion in our hemisphere. They did have a border dispute with Russia (now resolved), reacted to our invasion of N. Korea, other minor disputes on their boarder, but that's about it. Modest record compared to most European countries that flaunt their values and us. The problem with arrogance demonstrated by your mentality, sooner or later the world gangs up against the bully. Historically it never ended well.
The Mongolians and vietnamese would take issue with your use of the phrase 'modest record.'
So, because of the Pax Americana, they have been prevented from being so adventurous.I am searching for an example of Chinese invasion in our hemisphere. They did have a border dispute with Russia (now resolved), reacted to our invasion of N. Korea, other minor disputes on their boarder, but that's about it. Modest record compared to most European countries that flaunt their values and us. The problem with arrogance demonstrated by your mentality, sooner or later the world gangs up against the bully. Historically it never ended well.
We're not just talking about an Invasion with Armed Forces, although Im sure India would disagree. Its likely easier to "take over" economically.I am searching for an example of Chinese invasion in our hemisphere. They did have a border dispute with Russia (now resolved), reacted to our invasion of N. Korea, other minor disputes on their boarder, but that's about it. Modest record compared to most European countries that flaunt their values and us. The problem with arrogance demonstrated by your mentality, sooner or later the world gangs up against the bully. Historically it never ended well.
A multi-billionaire would clearly benefit from a single economic system that covered the globe. And there is no doubt it would only put them in a stronger position to make even more money and have more power, especially in a system that was more oppressive with less freedom. I dont know much about Marx or what he said about one world govt, but a classless society cannot exist as human nature wont allow for it. Utopias cannot exist.So Karl Marx was right about that after all. Though his economic plan was a total failure, he did have point here and there.
There is much to criticize about American foreign policy, but make no mistake, the world is a vastly better place than it would be without us.
We're not just talking about an Invasion with Armed Forces, although Im sure India would disagree. Its likely easier to "take over" economically.
And while I am glad we have been the big kid on the block I do not see us as a bully. Sure we have done some crappy things, but we have done countless great things and do more for 3rd world countries than any other nation.
As I've said many times I am not in anyway an expert on foreign policy. But things do break down pretty simply, and that if we were not leading the world with our freedom minded way of life, the power vacuum would likely leave China and their communist, tyrannical authoritarian way of life as the leading nation.
To your point about the rest of the world ganging up on the bully, it seems to me that if you believe that to be the case, then the rest of the world has been brainwashed and is satisfied with being a subject and not a citizen. Thanks, Ill pass.
What do you think a world without the US would look like ?In a word, NO.
If I was Taiwan and about to lose, I’d destroy every chip factory rather than give them to China.**we**, I think you mean democRATs, specifically O'Biden and company. 45 had this shit under control, now we have an ineffectual coward running the show, you can kiss Taiwan good-by. The CCP can take them at anytime. And if that happens, Microchip prices are going to skyrocket. Taiwan has one of the largest chip manufacturers in the world, if China gets ahold them ~~~~ good luck buying a new car or truck. manufacturing is going to come to a grinding halt, worst than it is now.
What do you think a world without the US would look like ?
Bingo!**we**, I think you mean democRATs, specifically O'Biden and company. 45 had this shit under control, now we have an ineffectual coward running the show, you can kiss Taiwan good-by. The CCP can take them at anytime. And if that happens, Microchip prices are going to skyrocket. Taiwan has one of the largest chip manufacturers in the world, if China gets ahold them ~~~~ good luck buying a new car or truck. manufacturing is going to come to a grinding halt, worst than it is now.
I hear all your points and I agree at large that we should let countries have their own way of life. Problem is, many of the coutries we are helping is because THEY ASK FOR IT. They want our money and our alliance.Enjoy your values, but let the rest of the world have their own. The world isn't ready to embrace break down of morals, predatory corporate practices, third rate education and political system that divides people into two camps and pits them against each other.
Forcing your values on people who don't want to have anything to do with them is bullying.
I highly doubt that.More Indians would live on their native land and so would more Africans.
I hear all your points and I agree at large that we should let countries have their own way of life. Problem is, many of the coutries we are helping is because THEY ASK FOR IT. They want our money and our alliance.
The sad reality is that if we deny these countries they will look to other major countries for help and they will be allies with our enemies. Its like the game of Risk. All major powers of the world do the same thing to an extent.
I highly doubt that.
So, you think all the colonial powers would have just let them be if it weren't for the US ?
Pretty sure the spanish, french, british, hell, even the belgians would have done all the same stuff.
No US also means the soviets would have won the cold war by default. Assuming the defeated the germans anyway.
It's likely the groups you mention would be speaking German and Japanese now. Well, the ones were weren't exterminated anyway.
One good thing, drug testing and medical experiments on animals would probably be a lot less frequent. They would just use the "lesser races" for that instead.
I bet slavery would be rampant and industrialized now.