And the 1st article I dont see mention of what holster was used.. but good job using that
The holster in question is a Safariland 6360.
And the 1st article I dont see mention of what holster was used.. but good job using that
The holster in question is a Safariland 6360.
All flawed holster designs. A holster should NEVER allow access to the trigger. All from a company you touted repeatedly here as being superior. Sorry bud. You can't dance around it.Hmm so the reddit post has to do with a gap to get a specific holster gun light combo to fit.. ok dont use that combo (this is the same as saying dont put your finger on the trigger that you keep screaming)
The last one had to do with the officer playing with his gun and holster.. still didnt see how it was the design of the holster in that article
Oh and hey let's talk about that on the website.. has to do with one specific model of holster and that specific model does not use the ALS or GLS...
Guess what wont buy that holster just like why would I buy a shitty serpa (granted those discharged all seemed to be linked to the holsters combined with sig guns, guess I wont buy the 6070 if I plan on carrying a P226 or P229)
All flawed holster designs. A holster should NEVER allow access to the trigger. All from a company you touted repeatedly here as being superior. Sorry bud. You can't dance around it.
So now the spin is you never specifically mentioned an exact model number? You touted the company as being superior. Not all of the guns that went off in a Safariland holster used the 6070. Your argument is that a holster made specifically to carry a specific gun shouldn't actually be used with said gun. Hmmm.I never said anything about the 6070? Or whatever one it was.
Weird I never said anything bad about any other blackhawk products have I? Sorry you're grasping at straws here because you're to emotionally attached to a pos holster
Hahahaha can you imagine being that obsessed with thinking trash is good that you will try to justify it in any way you can including try to imply I'm suggesting to get a safariland that I've never suggested to anyone. You're a pretty sad little dude arent you
So now the spin is you never specifically mentioned an exact model number? You touted the company as being superior. Not all of the guns that went off in a Safariland holster used the 6070. Your argument is that a holster made specifically to carry a specific gun shouldn't actually be used with said gun. Hmmm.
Nobody is obsessed with anything. I have a whole box of various holsters. This one was found tucked away in the back of a closet. if I were obsessed I would have had it on my side day in and day out.
Your arguments have fallen apart on many levels. I will not continue to entertain your nonsense which persists, despite factual articles and photo and video evidence you demanded.
Imagine being so dense and obsessed with being right that you ignore the millions in use with no problems whatsoever.
So now the spin is you never specifically mentioned an exact model number? You touted the company as being superior. Not all of the guns that went off in a Safariland holster used the 6070. Your argument is that a holster made specifically to carry a specific gun shouldn't actually be used with said gun. Hmmm.
Nobody is obsessed with anything. I have a whole box of various holsters. This one was found tucked away in the back of a closet. if I were obsessed I would have had it on my side day in and day out.
Your arguments have fallen apart on many levels. I will not continue to entertain your nonsense which persists, despite factual articles and photo and video evidence you demanded.
Imagine being so dense and obsessed with being right that you ignore the millions in use with no problems whatsoever.
Dude just stop, you’ve embarrassed yourself enough for one day across 7 pages of nonsense. Just let it go and admit to yourself your in the wrong. We’re all adults here there’s no need to keep dragging this out, your only making yourself look foolish the further this goesAnd yet my argument hasn't fallen apart once.. all you have done as an "argument" is autistic screeching about trigger diciplin as your evidence that you cant have an ND with these holsters..
Which is weird cause you can even holster a gone perfectly 100% of the time![]()
Dude just stop, you’ve embarrassed yourself enough for one day across 7 pages of nonsense. Just let it go and admit to yourself your in the wrong. We’re all adults here there’s no need to keep dragging this out, your only making yourself look foolish the further this goes
Just curious because I know how popular they used to be. Do you or would you carry one?
ok, for the record I own 2 SERPA holsters. I bought them before I knew better. After learning a little more about handguns, gear, and the industry I realized that by using a SERPA the design of the retention button facilitates a greater risk of ND due to body mechanics and the placement of the "retention button". If someone feels confident in their personal operation and use of that holster, then who am I to say dont use it.
It seems even BLACKHAWK! and the military have acknowledged problems with the ergonomic, and mechanical design of the holster as read here in this article from 2019.
The Serpa is dead. Long live the T-Series
Blackhawk used to dominate the retention holster business with the Serpa. But bad press and well publicized failures put that holster in jeopardy. Now comes the T-Series holster to address the Serpa's
Ummm noRegardless of holster your trigger finger is in the same location.
I understand @Edwardteach72 frustrationsSorry, but there is nothing wrong with Serpas. Only people with poor trigger discipline.
My finger is always in the same location when I have a master grip. Fully extended forward and always on the side of the slide until ready to fire. Any holster or no holster at all. Whenever I handle a firearm. The side of my fully extended finger swipes the SERPA button upon drawing. There is no pressing with the finger tip. A straight finger cannot magically bend 50-60° to pull a trigger.Umm no
Ummm no
With the Serpa you need to push your finger firmly where your trigger will be when you clear the holster.
A thumb break your trigger finger is raised when you clear the holster.
Huge difference.
Have you ever used one? My finger aligns perfectly on the side of the slide - never the trigger guard. The button is higher than the trigger guard area. Maybe I got the only one out of millions made that way.My personal opinion on the SERPA holsters has much to do with people with shorter fingers. Those with longer fingers are more apt to fall on the trigger guard upon release. Shorter fingers under pressure will be prone to inadvertently fall into the trigger guard possibly causing a ND. More so under stress. It is what it is. Every holster with that kind of release can do that. Not to say they always do.
I'll take my ALS 10000-1 any day. I like the thumb release better, when I grab at my gun my thumb hits the release first and sets everything into motion.
Never have any issues with debris locking it up, ever. I use the ALS extensively when I'm outside working. Doesnt matter if I'm cutting wood with my chain saw or crawling around under brush to hook up chains to rip it out. My gun and holster get very dirty yet both always function perfectly.
Have you ever used one? My finger aligns perfectly on the side of the slide - never the trigger guard. The button is higher than the trigger guard area. Maybe I got the only one out of millions made that way.
Yup. Seems bizarre that people who are firearms enthusiasts don't have that basic safety rule down. No matter what holster I draw from, or even if I just pick up a firearm, my index finger automatically, out of instinct, is always pointed straight and remains so until I transition to the trigger when the decision has been made to fire. In fact, it is in the straightforward position before I even have my hand on the grip. Pretty elementary stuff. It's scary that people haven't trained to do that.My finger always ends up on the slide too, pretty much on level with where the slide take down is on my Glock 31.
You can’t be a high speed low drag operator if your not curling your finger into the trigger guard on the way up to the target, seriously bro do you even operate ? Sounds like you need a tactical training class some 5.11 pants and a grunt gear tee shirt 2 sizes 2 small. Grow a neck beard, Then maybe you can operate and be tactical.Yup. Seems bizarre that people who are firearms enthusiasts don't have that basic safety rule down. No matter what holster I draw from, or even if I just pick up a firearm, my index finger automatically, out of instinct, is always pointed straight and remains so until I transition to the trigger when the decision has been made to fire. In fact, it is in the straightforward position before I even have my hand on the grip. Pretty elementary stuff. It's scary that people haven't trained to do that.
Ive never used one of the Serpa holsters so cant really say much except what ive heard and read.Yup. Seems bizarre that people who are firearms enthusiasts don't have that basic safety rule down. No matter what holster I draw from, or even if I just pick up a firearm, my index finger automatically, out of instinct, is always pointed straight and remains so until I transition to the trigger when the decision has been made to fire. In fact, it is in the straightforward position before I even have my hand on the grip. Pretty elementary stuff. It's scary that people haven't trained to do that.
Glock has a bad reputation because they don't have a safety. Never had a problem with mine going off. Maybe they aren't good for beginners. Maybe the same could be said for the SERPA.Ive never used one of the Serpa holsters so cant really say much except what ive heard and read.
My question still is, why do so many people have issues with this one particular brand? Why do so many instructors and shooting pros ban them from training?
Another huge part of training, especially in CC, is to mitigate as many possible issues or failures.
What youre saying is that many, many people have forgot their training while using this one holster....sounds wrong.
Heres a funny story.
Back years ago my wifes dad decided to buy a car. He had his heart set on the 1964 Corvair. They already had a reputation for catching fire but many owners scoffed at the claim.
Well, he bought it and several months later burned down his dads garage after running the car hard.
To each his own but products earn reputations for a reason.
Correct me if Im wrong but i thought Glock's reputation came from having to engage the trigger in order for it to be field stripped, thus if the weapon wasn't cleared you have an ND. In that case too it could be argued that that is a design flawGlock has a bad reputation because they don't have a safety. Never had a problem with mine going off. Maybe they aren't good for beginners. Maybe the same could be said for the SERPA.
Correct me if Im wrong but i thought Glock's reputation came from having to engage the trigger in order for it to be field stripped, thus if the weapon wasn't cleared you have an ND. In that case too it could be argued that that is a design flaw
Huge design flaw, or you could just check that the chamber is clear, you know, like you're supposed to. You can't idiot proof everything and wrap people in bubble wrap.Correct me if Im wrong but i thought Glock's reputation came from having to engage the trigger in order for it to be field stripped, thus if the weapon wasn't cleared you have an ND. In that case too it could be argued that that is a design flaw
Absolutely correct.Huge design flaw, or you could just check that the chamber is clear, you know, like you're supposed to. You can't idiot proof everything and wrap people in bubble wrap.