Some of the world does it that way. How goddamn hard is it to put in a tiny little spring loaded tab anyway?!So? The rest of the world does it that way......
Some of the world does it that way. How goddamn hard is it to put in a tiny little spring loaded tab anyway?!So? The rest of the world does it that way......
It's not common practice on a long gun.
A shotgun is an antique gun in my opinion.Shotguns are pointless in police work in my opinion. I believe those that remain are holdovers from past tactics and beliefs.
Call me nuts, but other than bird hunting, I don't see much use for shotguns at all in the modern world with the options we have. I only have one and I rarely take it out of the safe.
At least they have rifles now.![]()
Shotguns are pointless in police work in my opinion. I believe those that remain are holdovers from past tactics and beliefs.
Call me nuts, but other than bird hunting, I don't see much use for shotguns at all in the modern world with the options we have. I only have one and I rarely take it out of the safe.
That's how I look at my pistol caliber carbine.
What about a full auto MP-5 for city work? I think that has everything you really need except for distance. light weight, small ,concealable ,combat tested. High rate of fire , with much less chance of over penetration.
It is. You disagree because you were told it is an excellent weapon by an old timer and you'll more than likely repeat it to a youngster. The fact of the matter is that a shotgun is just a crude smoothbore musket that takes fixed shells.
Just because you were trained with it and prefer it, it doesn't make it better for close quarters. It actually handicapps you."Willjr75, post: 130960, member: 10"]It is. You disagree because you were told it is an excellent weapon by an old timer and you'll more than likely repeat it to a youngster.
Well, no not really I was trained on it Federal Law enforcement. and in tight close quarters I would prefer it to an M4 for several reasons.
The fact of the matter is that a shotgun is just a crude smoothbore musket that tskes fixed shells.
Its more that that ,
Other than for birds where an extreme spread is needed to take them down, I for the life of me do not see why anyone would want a high recoiling, low capacity long gun whose ammo is huge and cumbersome. It has a very limited range and the path of the projectiiles are a crap shoot.
Some of top shot guns have very reduced recoil, Its true ammo is heavy and cumbersome and limited range , but used the way it was intended its an excellent close in weapon.
You cannot make surgical shots when needed. IE. A headshot or a leg shot.
Surgical no? head shot? the easiest most effective head shot possible. try hitting a fleeting target down a stairway with a carbine, or try hitting a quail with your AR. Picture yourself covering a hospital hallway now bad guy sprints across the hall 25 to 40 yards away , good luck with your surgical headshot, That's where the shot gun is going to shine.
It's outdated technology. If you look at the history of the rifle, the smoothbore was replaced with a rifled bore for accuracy and range.
with a shotgun your not dealing with either
Were not talking about a general purpose weapon of war , where ammo loads and weight play a part or distances are going to be a factor , Were talking bout a specific context ,close quarter fighting , where stopping power is extremely important.when you hit the guy with a shotgun blast at close range , You can almost guarantee he cannot return fire . not always so with a carbine.
For police purposes , it can be used as a breeching round to blow locks off doors , it gives officers a little bit of leeway for accuracy under stress , its much more like to hit the bad guy , not likely to require a follow up shot ,or miss reduces the need for more ammo, it will STOP the threat .and stray pellets and misses are not as dangerous and if your well trained on it, it can be pretty dam quick shooting too.
Correct!The shitguns
The fragmenting characteristics of most 5.56/223 ammo is precisely why I think it very suitable for LE use. In a human target its not very likely to overpenetrate and most loads have a hard time getting thorugh exterior wall, cars etc. Conversely if barrier penetration is desired there are loads that accomplish that admirably. Not to mention that the wondeful handling characteristics of the AR makes it easier to hit targets with in the first place.Don't get me wrong, Im not anti AR at all, Im only looking at it as a safety issue for civilians Nobody wants to see innocent people get hurt when a shot gun could have done the same job. Were talking about projects and parking lots city streets were stray rounds do bad thing things.
But he did agree to purchase semiautomatic Glock Magazine Quadrail rifles that use the same 40-caliber ammunition as the Glock handguns officers now use. The rifles provide greater long-range accuracy than the handguns, police officials said.
Ummm....more like pistols with extended barrels.
That's how I look at my pistol caliber carbine.
Not so past fragmentation range.The fragmenting characteristics of most 5.56/223 ammo is precisely why I think it very suitable for LE use. In a human target its not very likely to overpenetrate and most loads have a hard time getting thorugh exterior wall, cars etc. Conversely if barrier penetration is desired there are loads that accomplish that admirably. Not to mention that the wondeful handling characteristics of the AR makes it easier to hit targets with in the first place.
Just because you were trained with it and prefer it, it doesn't make it better for close quarters. It actually handicapps you.
I don't see it that way
How will you take a head shot if a perp is holding a hostage as a shield?
Excellent point, I guess they both die ( just kidding) The number of times that's going to happen in the course of your career is pretty small , but I agree you really don't want to do that with a shot gun
How can you insure a non vital shot doesn't hit an artery or organ if you are trying to get an armed perp down without killing him?
if I have to shoot I am always going to fire at a vital area .I was never trained to wound
As far as the hallway scenario goes, you more than likely have better chances of surviving getting hit with a few pellets at 25 yards then you will with accurate burst fire from a weapon who's bullets expand to double it's size.
But by selecting from the various loads this can be tweaked any which way to suit the circumstances. I would use 69 or 77gr OTM ammo for general purpose use as it is effective over a wide range and readily fragments limiting overpenetration issues. The various "barrier blind" ammo such as the Gold Dots can be swaped in if shooting through light cover or vehicles is required. This expanding ammo also seems to be effective over a wide range. Good ol' 55gr M193 would get the job done on the cheap as well, provided one minds its surprisingly high penetration through mild steel plate. I'd stay away from M855 though, too inconsistent, it'll pencil right through soft targets and shatter on hardend ones.Not so past fragmentation range.
The fragmenting characteristics of most 5.56/223 ammo is precisely why I think it very suitable for LE use. In a human target its not very likely to overpenetrate and most loads have a hard time getting thorugh exterior wall, cars etc. Conversely if barrier penetration is desired there are loads that accomplish that admirably. Not to mention that the wondeful handling characteristics of the AR makes it easier to hit targets with in the first place.
Well Swat and Special Forces teams from around the world disagree with that logic.well I disagree with you, number 4 buck around 18 pellets the size of .22 one in the neck or head or ear would be enough to stop him
If it was me, I'd want the AR. I'm just saying that the PCC is not bad at all given the advantages one gains and the article is bullshit.But by selecting from the various loads this can be tweaked any which way to suit the circumstances. I would use 69 or 77gr OTM ammo for general purpose use as it is effective over a wide range and readily fragments limiting overpenetration issues. The various "barrier blind" ammo such as the Gold Dots can be swaped in if shooting through light cover or vehicles is required. This expanding ammo also seems to be effective over a wide range. Good ol' 55gr M193 would get the job done on the cheap as well, provided one minds its surprisingly high penetration through mild steel plate. I'd stay away from M855 though, too inconsistent, it'll pencil right through soft targets and shatter on hardend ones.
Well Swat and Special Forces teams from around the world disagree with that logic.
If it was me, I'd want the AR. I'm just saying that the PCC is not bad at all given the advantages one gains.