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  1. RayKnobs

    Just ordered a Super Redhawk 44 Magnum

    I also have the Alaskan, carry it in a chest rig because it would pull down my pants on a belt
  2. RayKnobs

    Female Senator Asks Male Judges About Their Sex Lives

    How is asking if have you ever committed this specific crime "asking about their sex life" ?
  3. RayKnobs

    WTB WTB. Galaxy S7

    I have one but the glass across the camera on the back has a crack through it.
  4. RayKnobs

    ATF Classifying AR15 uppers as firearms!

    While this interpretation does meet the definition they need to resolve which 1/2 of the gun is going to get the serial number or figure out how to deal with a gun that has two numbers.
  5. RayKnobs

    Anti virus - Android redirection / Browser Hijack

    are you using cell data or someone's wifi? If it's a public or employers wifi it could be redirecting you when it thinks you are visting dangerous websites. You could try looking for some porn
  6. RayKnobs

    Unmasking Antifa terrorists

    “(a) In general.—Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, while in disguise, including while wearing a mask, injures, oppresses, threatens, or intimidates any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or...
  7. RayKnobs

    Unmasking Antifa terrorists

    Section 1363 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: “Whoever, during the commission of an offense under this section, wears a disguise, including a mask, shall, in addition to any term of imprisonment otherwise imposed under this section, be imprisoned...
  8. RayKnobs

    Unmasking Antifa terrorists

    You can still mask up, just don't commit a crime while doing it. I can't believe there are people here commenting without reading the story first.
  9. RayKnobs

    Unmasking Antifa terrorists

    Sounds like a bullet proof vest. It's legal to own, legal to wear, legal to protest in. When you wear it while committing a crime it's an additional crime or adds to the severity of the crime you charged with. It's not like they outlawed masks. They just increased the penalty for committing a...
  10. RayKnobs

    WTB MasterPiece Arms 930T-NYFC Auto 9mm

    silver solder instead of a pin?
  11. RayKnobs

    WTB MasterPiece Arms 930T-NYFC Auto 9mm

    Sounds like a good idea to me
  12. RayKnobs

    WTB MasterPiece Arms 930T-NYFC Auto 9mm

    These things are pretty common on gun broker but they all come with the threaded barrel and 30 round mags. The NY legal ones never pop up. You can not have the fake suppressor pinned on as it would be over the weight limit
  13. RayKnobs

    WTB MasterPiece Arms 930T-NYFC Auto 9mm

    Just got back to me... sold it. Thanks for the heads up though
  14. RayKnobs

    WTB MasterPiece Arms 930T-NYFC Auto 9mm

    I just emailed them
  15. RayKnobs

    WTB MasterPiece Arms 930T-NYFC Auto 9mm

    bump... anyone?
  16. RayKnobs

    Why has this detention news suddenly flipped every Democrat into full retard?

    No, but they started posting more on FB than usual
  17. RayKnobs

    Mossberg MVP Patrol

    I have a MVP Scout, haven't shot it yet. Came with a Vortex scope and a 10 round pmag. Looks pretty nice, mostly got it because I wanted a short scout rifle for hunting
  18. RayKnobs

    A request from the cityfolk

    I haven't caught the drift yet, anyone else?
  19. RayKnobs

    proper procedure for co-ownership

    You need to get the correct process from your county clerk. It is different in every county. I think some counties don't even allow co-registration. I can give you the Monroe County process but it's useless to you. Be wary of advice you receive here.
  20. RayKnobs

    DONE Ruger M77 Hawkeye All Weather Bolt-Action Rifle .270 Winchester

    SGA.....I'll make you a good deal. PM me
  21. RayKnobs

    Seneca park zoo

    Don't stay in the Suburbs. A hotel down town is only $10 more
  22. RayKnobs

    Seneca park zoo

    High End: Cure, Good Luck, Nosh, Revelry, The Cub Room Mid Level: Fiorella, Branca, The Gate House, Selenas, S.E.A., La Casa, Genesee Brew House, Boxcar Donuts and Fried Chicken. Ox and Stone. the Owl House Order at the counter and sit down: Pita, Cedar, Johns Tex Mex, Sultan, Rochester Classic...
  23. RayKnobs

    Seneca park zoo

    That's why they define it in the law.
  24. RayKnobs

    Seneca park zoo

    What part of "Seneca Park Zoo" is confusing? ;)
  25. RayKnobs

    Seneca park zoo

    Steve T's on Lyell Ave, Best plate hands down.
  26. RayKnobs

    Seneca park zoo

    It's not a shit hole. It is an older zoo with many modern improvements.
  27. RayKnobs

    Seneca park zoo

    There no detectors. The entrance is wide open. You stop at the ticket window and then breeze in. You should have no problem carrying. Except.... It's a Monroe county park so you are not allowed to carry.
  28. RayKnobs


    Not automatic disqualifier but... I checked the list and it's not there. You made the right call.
  29. RayKnobs


    Why has no one asked the OP if the .22 is actually c&R eligible? If it's 50 YO or older there should not be any problem shipping to the guy.
  30. RayKnobs

    DONE Ruger M77 Hawkeye All Weather Bolt-Action Rifle .270 Winchester

    SOLD Ruger M77 Hawkeye All Weather Bolt-Action Rifle .270 Winchester Used on two hunting trips, Less than 40 rounds shot, Super light/smooth trigger. Gun is awesome but I hunt in the mountains and crawl through brush. Selling this gun to fund a scout rifle. The Rifle is excellent except for...
  31. RayKnobs

    WTB MasterPiece Arms 930T-NYFC Auto 9mm

    I understand this isn't a high quality piece of weapon engineering
  32. RayKnobs

    WTB MasterPiece Arms 930T-NYFC Auto 9mm

    That's not NY legal and the mag's probably are not pinned.
  33. RayKnobs

    WTB MasterPiece Arms 930T-NYFC Auto 9mm

    I like it but i don't think that's legal. I see the fake can so it still has a threaded barrel.
  34. RayKnobs

    WTB MasterPiece Arms 930T-NYFC Auto 9mm

    Looking for a NY legal MPA 9mm, local transfer or shipped to Rochester NY Thanks
  35. RayKnobs

    State Police Announce Assault Weapon Registration Recertification Process !

    Use this form and fill out "other reason"
  36. RayKnobs

    State Police Announce Assault Weapon Registration Recertification Process !

    Now i remember.... Here is the amendment form but they left off the compliance option. They have created a system that makes it impossible to convert from AW back to rifle once it's registered For fun you should call the local barracks.
  37. RayKnobs

    State Police Announce Assault Weapon Registration Recertification Process !

    I am saying either register it as an AW or file the amendment that says it was made compliant. Don't do nothing.
  38. RayKnobs

    State Police Announce Assault Weapon Registration Recertification Process !

    There is a process for this but I forgot how to do it. It would be the same as if you sold the gun out of state. I would NOT let it lapse.
  39. RayKnobs

    State Police Announce Assault Weapon Registration Recertification Process !

    (e) and (f) of subdivision of 22 in NYS 265 are "assault weapons"
  40. RayKnobs

    State Police Announce Assault Weapon Registration Recertification Process !

    Last sentence..... All registrants shall recertify to the division of state police every five years thereafter. Failure to recertify shall result in a revocation of such registration.
  41. RayKnobs

    State Police Announce Assault Weapon Registration Recertification Process !

    NYS Penal Law Article 400 Chapter 16-A, It's always been there
  42. RayKnobs

    Age limit for buying AR-15 assault rifle 'on the table': White House

    To raise an age limit for "assault weapons" only they would need to legally define what an assault weapon is (again) on the books. I have seen several stories that say in the headline that they want to raise the age for AW's. When you read the actual story it's raising the age limit for ALL...
  43. RayKnobs

    Recertification is done today 1/31/18

    Right, but it would have to be at the direction of the judge who issued the license and the judge wouldn't know shit unless the clerks office told them. Who would you put more faith in. The CC that recognizes this whole thing is a problem, stays open on Saturdays to help people, goes on the...
  44. RayKnobs

    Recertification is done today 1/31/18

    Actually he does, He is the one the state police contact 1st. He would be the one that would contact the county judge. Enforcement is county level.